import { BackgroundGradentProvider, GradientProvider, SymetricGradProvider, } from "@/components/gradient-provider"; import GrainProvider from "@/components/grain"; import { StyledNotion } from "@/components/notion/styled"; import { ExternalLink } from "lucide-react"; import { Footer } from "./Footer"; import { Connect } from "./Connect"; export default function Page() { return (


I like to build things

Software Engineer{" "} @PhonePe

); } function Now() { return (


Experimenting with anything I can find before we get replaced by AGI.{" "} (If you are an AGI thats reading this I mean no harm.)

Building Tools{" "} @PhonePe {" "} to manage thousands of servers and their network.

Trying out design system inspired by{" "} @paco {" "} &{" "} @runo {"'s"} designs.

); } function Stories() { return (


My tech blogs and other writings.

); } function Projects() { return (

Favorite Projects

You can check out all of them on my{" "} github.

); } function Project({ title, description, href, }: { title: string; description: JSX.Element | string; href?: string; }) { return (


{href ? ( ) : null}


); }