import { z } from "zod"; import fs from "fs"; import { randomUUID } from "crypto"; import { Message } from "../interfaces/message"; import { zodFunction } from "."; import { ask } from "./ask"; import { pathInDataDir } from "../config"; export const CreateMemorySchema = z.object({ memory: z.string(), }); export type CreateMemory = z.infer; export const UpdateMemorySchema = z.object({ id: z.string(), memory: z.string(), }); export type UpdateMemory = z.infer; export const DeleteMemorySchema = z.object({ id: z.string(), }); export type DeleteMemory = z.infer; const memory_path = pathInDataDir("memories.json"); type Memories = Record< string, // manager_id Record< string, // user_id { id: string; memory: string; created_at: string; updated_at: string; }[] > >; // if the file doesn't exist, create it if (!fs.existsSync(memory_path)) { fs.writeFileSync(memory_path, "{}"); } function getMemories(): Memories { return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(memory_path, "utf-8")); } export function getMemoriesByManager(manager_id: string, user_id: string) { const memories = getMemories(); return memories[manager_id]?.[user_id] || []; } function saveMemories(memories: Memories) { fs.writeFileSync(memory_path, JSON.stringify(memories, null, 2)); } export function createMemory( params: CreateMemory, manager_id: string, user_id: string ) { try { const memories = getMemories(); memories[manager_id] = memories[manager_id] || {}; memories[manager_id][user_id] = memories[manager_id][user_id] || []; if (memories[manager_id][user_id].length >= 5) { return { error: "You have reached the limit of memories." }; } const uuid = randomUUID(); const start = Math.floor(Math.random() * (uuid.length - 4)); const new_mem = { id: uuid.slice(start, start + 4), memory: params.memory, created_at: new Date().toISOString(), updated_at: new Date().toISOString(), }; memories[manager_id][user_id].push(new_mem); saveMemories(memories); return { id: }; } catch (error) { return { error }; } } export function updateMemory( params: UpdateMemory, manager_id: string, user_id: string ) { try { const memories = getMemories(); memories[manager_id] = memories[manager_id] || {}; memories[manager_id][user_id] = memories[manager_id][user_id] || []; const memory = memories[manager_id][user_id].find( (m) => === ); if (!memory) { return { error: "Memory not found" }; } memory.memory = params.memory; memory.updated_at = new Date().toISOString(); saveMemories(memories); return {}; } catch (error) { return { error }; } } export function deleteMemory( params: DeleteMemory, manager_id: string, user_id: string ) { try { const memories = getMemories(); memories[manager_id] = memories[manager_id] || {}; memories[manager_id][user_id] = memories[manager_id][user_id] || []; memories[manager_id][user_id] = memories[manager_id][user_id].filter( (m) => !== ); saveMemories(memories); return {}; } catch (error) { return { error }; } } export const memory_tools = (manager_id: string, user_id: string) => [ zodFunction({ function: (args) => createMemory(args, manager_id, user_id), name: "create_memory", schema: CreateMemorySchema, description: "Create a memory.", }), zodFunction({ function: (args) => updateMemory(args, manager_id, user_id), name: "update_memory", schema: UpdateMemorySchema, description: "Update a memory.", }), zodFunction({ function: (args) => deleteMemory(args, manager_id, user_id), name: "delete_memory", schema: DeleteMemorySchema, description: "Delete a memory.", }), ]; const MemoryManagerSchema = z.object({ request: z.string(), }); export type MemoryManager = z.infer; async function memoryManager( params: MemoryManager, context_message: Message, manager_id: string ) { try { const user_id =; const current_memories = getMemoriesByManager(manager_id, user_id); const tools = memory_tools(manager_id, user_id); const response = await ask({ model: "gpt-4o-mini", prompt: `You are a Memories Manager. You manage memories for other managers. Help the manager with their request based on the information provided. - **Priority:** Only store useful and detailed memories. - If the request is not useful or lacks detail, ask for more information or deny the request. - When a manager reaches the memory limit, ask them to choose memories to delete. Ensure they inform their user about the deletion and confirm before proceeding. - Ensure the memories are relevant to the requesting manager. - Return the ID of any memory you save so the manager can refer to it later. **Current Manager:** ${manager_id} **Their Memories:** ${JSON.stringify(current_memories)} `, message: params.request, name: manager_id, seed: `memory-man-${manager_id}-${ ?? }`, tools, }); return { response: response.choices[0].message.content, }; } catch (error) { return { error }; } } export const memory_manager_init = ( context_message: Message, manager_id: string ) => { return zodFunction({ function: (args) => memoryManager(args, context_message, manager_id), name: "memory_manager", schema: MemoryManagerSchema, description: `Manages memories for a manager or yourself. - Memories are isolated per manager and per user; managers can't access each other's memories, and users can't access other users' memories. - **Use Cases:** - Remembering important user preferences. - Anything you want to recall later. **Examples:** - "Remember to use \`home_assistant_manager\` when the user asks to set text on a widget." - "Remember that the user mainly cares about the P4 system service status." Memories are limited and costly; use them wisely. ` + (manager_id === "self" ? `### Important Note Make sure you only use this for your own memories and not for other memories that you can tell other managers to remember. ` : ""), }); }; export const memory_manager_guide = ( manager_id: string, user_id: string ) => `# Memories Saved for You ${JSON.stringify(getMemoriesByManager(manager_id, user_id), null, 2)} You can store up to 5 memories at a time. Use them wisely. `;