import { createClient } from "webdav"; import { PGVectorStore, DistanceStrategy, } from "@langchain/community/vectorstores/pgvector"; import { OpenAIEmbeddings } from "@langchain/openai"; import { v4 as uuidv4 } from "uuid"; import * as crypto from "crypto"; let isSyncing = false; // Initialize WebDAV client const webdavClient = createClient( "", { username: process.env.NEXTCLOUD_USERNAME!, password: process.env.NEXTCLOUD_PASSWORD!, } ); // Helper function to calculate checksum of content function calculateChecksum(content: string): string { return crypto.createHash("md5").update(content, "utf8").digest("hex"); } // Function to get all files from 'notes' directory via WebDAV async function getAllFiles( path: string ): Promise<{ filename: string; content: string }[]> { const contents = await webdavClient.getDirectoryContents(path, { deep: true, }); const files = Array.isArray(contents) ? contents :; const fileContents: { filename: string; content: string }[] = []; for (const file of files) { if ( file.type === "file" && !file.basename.startsWith(".") && !file.filename.includes("/.obsidian/") && (file.filename.endsWith(".txt") || file.filename.endsWith(".md")) ) { const content = await webdavClient.getFileContents(file.filename, { format: "text", }); if (typeof content === "string") { fileContents.push({ filename: file.filename, content }); } } } return fileContents; } // Setup PGVectorStore const embeddings = new OpenAIEmbeddings({ model: "text-embedding-ada-002", }); const config = { postgresConnectionOptions: { type: "postgres", host: "", port: 5432, user: "postgres", password: "defaultpwd", database: "postgres", }, tableName: "anya", columns: { idColumnName: "id", vectorColumnName: "vector", contentColumnName: "content", metadataColumnName: "metadata", }, distanceStrategy: "cosine" as DistanceStrategy, }; const vectorStore = await PGVectorStore.initialize(embeddings, config); // Main function to sync vector store export async function syncVectorStore() { if (isSyncing) { console.log("syncVectorStore is already running. Skipping this run."); return; } isSyncing = true; try { console.log("Starting vector store sync..."); const files = await getAllFiles("notes"); for (const file of files) { const content = `filename: ${file.filename}\n${file.content}`; // Calculate checksum const checksum = calculateChecksum(content); // Check if the document already exists using direct SQL query const queryResult = await vectorStore.client?.query( `SELECT * FROM ${config.tableName} WHERE metadata->>'filename' = $1`, [file.filename] ); if (queryResult && queryResult.rows.length > 0) { const existingDocument = queryResult.rows[0]; const existingChecksum = existingDocument.metadata?.checksum; // If the checksum matches, skip updating if (existingChecksum === checksum) { // console.log(`Skipping ${file.filename}, checksum unchanged.`); continue; } // If the content is different, delete the old version await vectorStore.delete({ ids: [] }); console.log(`Deleted old version of ${file.filename}`); } // Load the document const document = { pageContent: content, metadata: { checksum, filename: file.filename, id: uuidv4() }, }; // Add or update the document in the vector store await vectorStore.addDocuments([document], { ids: [], }); console.log(`Indexed ${file.filename}`); } console.log("Vector store sync completed."); } catch (error) { console.error("Error during vector store sync:", error); } finally { isSyncing = false; } } export async function initVectorStoreSync() { console.log("Starting vector store sync..."); await syncVectorStore(); setInterval(syncVectorStore, 1000 * 60 * 2); // Every 2 minutes } export function semantic_search_notes(query: string, limit: number) { return vectorStore.similaritySearch(query, limit); }