import { z } from "zod"; import { zodFunction } from "."; import { LinearClient } from "@linear/sdk"; import { Message } from "../interfaces/message"; import { userConfigs } from "../config"; import { ask } from "./ask"; import { RunnableToolFunction } from "openai/lib/RunnableFunction.mjs"; import { memory_manager_guide, memory_manager_init } from "./memory-manager"; // Parameter Schemas export const IssueParams = z.object({ teamId: z.string(), title: z.string(), description: z.string().optional(), assigneeId: z.string().optional(), projectId: z.string().optional(), priority: z.number().optional(), labelIds: z.array(z.string()).optional(), }); export const UpdateIssueParams = z.object({ issueId: z.string().describe("The ID of the issue to update"), // Basic fields title: z.string().optional().describe("The issue title"), description: z.string().optional().describe("The issue description in markdown format"), descriptionData: z.any().optional().describe("The issue description as a Prosemirror document"), priority: z.number().min(0).max(4).optional() .describe("The priority of the issue. 0 = No priority, 1 = Urgent, 2 = High, 3 = Normal, 4 = Low"), // Assignee and subscribers assigneeId: z.string().optional().describe("The identifier of the user to assign the issue to"), subscriberIds: z.array(z.string()).optional().describe("The identifiers of the users subscribing to this ticket"), // Labels labelIds: z.array(z.string()).optional() .describe("The complete set of label IDs to set on the issue (replaces existing labels)"), addedLabelIds: z.array(z.string()).optional() .describe("The identifiers of the issue labels to be added to this issue"), removedLabelIds: z.array(z.string()).optional() .describe("The identifiers of the issue labels to be removed from this issue"), // Status and workflow stateId: z.string().optional().describe("The team state of the issue"), estimate: z.number().optional().describe("The estimated complexity of the issue"), // Dates and scheduling dueDate: z.string().optional().describe("The date at which the issue is due (YYYY-MM-DD format)"), snoozedById: z.string().optional().describe("The identifier of the user who snoozed the issue"), snoozedUntilAt: z.string().optional().describe("The time until an issue will be snoozed in Triage view"), // Relationships parentId: z.string().optional().describe("The identifier of the parent issue"), projectId: z.string().optional().describe("The project associated with the issue"), projectMilestoneId: z.string().optional().describe("The project milestone associated with the issue"), teamId: z.string().optional().describe("The identifier of the team associated with the issue"), cycleId: z.string().optional().describe("The cycle associated with the issue"), // Sorting and positioning sortOrder: z.number().optional().describe("The position of the issue related to other issues"), boardOrder: z.number().optional().describe("The position of the issue in its column on the board view"), subIssueSortOrder: z.number().optional().describe("The position of the issue in parent's sub-issue list"), prioritySortOrder: z.number().optional().describe("[ALPHA] The position of the issue when ordered by priority"), // Templates and automation lastAppliedTemplateId: z.string().optional().describe("The ID of the last template applied to the issue"), autoClosedByParentClosing: z.boolean().optional() .describe("Whether the issue was automatically closed because its parent issue was closed"), trashed: z.boolean().optional().describe("Whether the issue has been trashed"), }); export const GetIssueParams = z.object({ issueId: z.string(), }); export const SearchIssuesParams = z.object({ query: z.string().describe("Search query string"), teamId: z.string().optional(), limit: z.number().max(5).describe("Number of results to return (default: 1)"), }); export const ListTeamsParams = z.object({ limit: z.number().max(20).describe("Number of teams to return (default 3)"), }); // Add these type definitions before the parameter schemas export const StringComparator = z.object({ eq: z.string().optional(), neq: z.string().optional(), in: z.array(z.string()).optional(), nin: z.array(z.string()).optional(), contains: z.string().optional(), notContains: z.string().optional(), startsWith: z.string().optional(), notStartsWith: z.string().optional(), endsWith: z.string().optional(), notEndsWith: z.string().optional(), containsIgnoreCase: z.string().optional(), notContainsIgnoreCase: z.string().optional(), startsWithIgnoreCase: z.string().optional(), notStartsWithIgnoreCase: z.string().optional(), endsWithIgnoreCase: z.string().optional(), notEndsWithIgnoreCase: z.string().optional(), }); export const DateComparator = z.object({ eq: z.string().optional(), neq: z.string().optional(), gt: z.string().optional(), gte: z.string().optional(), lt: z.string().optional(), lte: z.string().optional(), in: z.array(z.string()).optional(), nin: z.array(z.string()).optional(), }); export const NumberComparator = z.object({ eq: z.number().optional(), neq: z.number().optional(), gt: z.number().optional(), gte: z.number().optional(), lt: z.number().optional(), lte: z.number().optional(), in: z.array(z.number()).optional(), nin: z.array(z.number()).optional(), }); export const IdComparator = z.object({ eq: z.string().optional(), neq: z.string().optional(), in: z.array(z.string()).optional(), nin: z.array(z.string()).optional(), }); export const WorkflowStateFilter = z.object({ createdAt: DateComparator.optional(), description: StringComparator.optional(), id: IdComparator.optional(), name: StringComparator.optional(), position: NumberComparator.optional(), type: StringComparator.optional(), updatedAt: DateComparator.optional(), }); export const AdvancedSearchIssuesParams = z.object({ // Text search query: z.string().optional().describe("Search in title and description"), title: z.string().optional().describe("Filter by exact or partial title match"), description: z.string().optional().describe("Filter by description content"), // Basic filters teamId: z.string().optional().describe("Filter by team ID"), assigneeId: z.string().optional().describe("Filter by assignee user ID"), creatorId: z.string().optional().describe("Filter by creator user ID"), priority: z.number().min(0).max(4).optional() .describe("0 = No priority, 1 = Urgent, 2 = High, 3 = Normal, 4 = Low"), // Status and state stateId: z.string().optional().describe("Filter by specific workflow state ID (simplified)"), // Dates createdAfter: z.string().optional().describe("Issues created after this ISO datetime"), createdBefore: z.string().optional().describe("Issues created before this ISO datetime"), updatedAfter: z.string().optional().describe("Issues updated after this ISO datetime"), updatedBefore: z.string().optional().describe("Issues updated before this ISO datetime"), completedAfter: z.string().optional().describe("Issues completed after this ISO datetime"), completedBefore: z.string().optional().describe("Issues completed before this ISO datetime"), dueDate: z.string().optional().describe("Filter by due date (YYYY-MM-DD format)"), dueDateAfter: z.string().optional().describe("Due date after (YYYY-MM-DD format)"), dueDateBefore: z.string().optional().describe("Due date before (YYYY-MM-DD format)"), startedAfter: z.string().optional().describe("Issues started after this ISO datetime"), startedBefore: z.string().optional().describe("Issues started before this ISO datetime"), // Relationships projectId: z.string().optional().describe("Filter by project ID"), parentId: z.string().optional().describe("Filter by parent issue ID"), subscriberId: z.string().optional().describe("Filter by subscriber user ID"), hasBlockedBy: z.boolean().optional().describe("Issues that are blocked by others"), hasBlocking: z.boolean().optional().describe("Issues that are blocking others"), hasDuplicates: z.boolean().optional().describe("Issues that have duplicates"), // Labels and estimates labelIds: z.array(z.string()).optional().describe("Filter by one or more label IDs"), estimate: z.number().optional().describe("Filter by issue estimate points"), // Other filters number: z.number().optional().describe("Filter by issue number"), snoozedById: z.string().optional().describe("Filter by user who snoozed the issue"), snoozedUntilAfter: z.string().optional().describe("Issues snoozed until after this ISO datetime"), snoozedUntilBefore: z.string().optional().describe("Issues snoozed until before this ISO datetime"), // Result options orderBy: z.enum(["createdAt", "updatedAt", "priority", "dueDate"]) .optional() .describe("Sort order for results"), limit: z.number().max(10) .describe("Number of results to return (default: 2, max: 10)"), }); // Modify SearchUsersParams schema to allow more specific search parameters export const SearchUsersParams = z.object({ email: z.string().optional().describe("Search by exact email address"), displayName: z.string().optional().describe("Search by display name"), limit: z .number() .max(10) .describe("Number of results to return (default: 5)"), }).refine( data => ( && !data.displayName) || (! && data.displayName), { message: "Provide either email OR displayName, not both" } ); // Add new Project Parameter Schemas export const ProjectParams = z.object({ name: z.string().describe("The name of the project"), teamIds: z .array(z.string()) .describe("The identifiers of the teams this project is associated with"), description: z .string() .optional() .describe("The description for the project"), content: z.string().optional().describe("The project content as markdown"), color: z.string().optional().describe("The color of the project"), icon: z.string().optional().describe("The icon of the project"), leadId: z.string().optional().describe("The identifier of the project lead"), memberIds: z .array(z.string()) .optional() .describe("The identifiers of the members of this project"), priority: z .number() .min(0) .max(4) .optional() .describe( "The priority of the project. 0 = No priority, 1 = Urgent, 2 = High, 3 = Normal, 4 = Low" ), sortOrder: z .number() .optional() .describe("The sort order for the project within shared views"), prioritySortOrder: z .number() .optional() .describe( "[ALPHA] The sort order for the project within shared views, when ordered by priority" ), startDate: z .string() .optional() .describe("The planned start date of the project (TimelessDate format)"), targetDate: z .string() .optional() .describe("The planned target date of the project (TimelessDate format)"), statusId: z.string().optional().describe("The ID of the project status"), state: z .string() .optional() .describe("[DEPRECATED] The state of the project"), id: z.string().optional().describe("The identifier in UUID v4 format"), convertedFromIssueId: z .string() .optional() .describe("The ID of the issue from which that project is created"), lastAppliedTemplateId: z .string() .optional() .describe("The ID of the last template applied to the project"), }); export const UpdateProjectParams = z.object({ projectId: z.string().describe("The ID of the project to update"), name: z.string().optional(), description: z.string().optional(), state: z .enum(["planned", "started", "paused", "completed", "canceled"]) .optional(), startDate: z.string().optional(), targetDate: z.string().optional(), sortOrder: z.number().optional(), icon: z.string().optional(), }); export const GetProjectParams = z.object({ projectId: z.string(), }); export const SearchProjectsParams = z.object({ // Text search query: z.string().optional().describe("Search in project name and content"), name: z.string().optional().describe("Filter by exact or partial project name"), // Basic filters teamId: z.string().optional().describe("Filter by team ID"), creatorId: z.string().optional().describe("Filter by creator user ID"), leadId: z.string().optional().describe("Filter by lead user ID"), priority: z.number().min(0).max(4).optional() .describe("0 = No priority, 1 = Urgent, 2 = High, 3 = Normal, 4 = Low"), // Status and state health: z.string().optional().describe("Filter by project health status"), state: z.string().optional().describe("[DEPRECATED] Filter by project state"), status: z.string().optional().describe("Filter by project status ID"), // Dates startDate: z.string().optional().describe("Filter by start date"), targetDate: z.string().optional().describe("Filter by target date"), createdAfter: z.string().optional().describe("Projects created after this ISO datetime"), createdBefore: z.string().optional().describe("Projects created before this ISO datetime"), updatedAfter: z.string().optional().describe("Projects updated after this ISO datetime"), updatedBefore: z.string().optional().describe("Projects updated before this ISO datetime"), completedAfter: z.string().optional().describe("Projects completed after this ISO datetime"), completedBefore: z.string().optional().describe("Projects completed before this ISO datetime"), canceledAfter: z.string().optional().describe("Projects canceled after this ISO datetime"), canceledBefore: z.string().optional().describe("Projects canceled before this ISO datetime"), // Relationships hasBlockedBy: z.boolean().optional().describe("Projects that are blocked by others"), hasBlocking: z.boolean().optional().describe("Projects that are blocking others"), hasRelated: z.boolean().optional().describe("Projects that have related items"), hasViolatedDependencies: z.boolean().optional().describe("Projects with violated dependencies"), // Result options orderBy: z.enum(["createdAt", "updatedAt", "priority", "targetDate"]) .optional() .describe("Sort order for results"), limit: z.number().max(10).describe("Number of results to return (default: 1)"), }); // Add new ListProjectsParams schema after other params export const ListProjectsParams = z.object({ teamId: z.string().optional().describe("Filter projects by team ID"), limit: z .number() .max(20) .describe("Number of projects to return (default: 10)"), state: z .enum(["planned", "started", "paused", "completed", "canceled"]) .optional() .describe("Filter projects by state"), }); // Add after other parameter schemas export const CreateCommentParams = z.object({ issueId: z.string().describe("The ID of the issue to comment on"), body: z.string().describe("The comment text in markdown format"), }); export const ListCommentsParams = z.object({ issueId: z.string().describe("The ID of the issue to get comments from"), limit: z.number().max(20).describe("Number of comments to return (default: 10)"), }); // Add new document parameter schemas export const CreateDocumentParams = z.object({ title: z.string().describe("The title of the document"), content: z.string().describe("The content of the document in markdown format"), icon: z.string().optional().describe("The icon of the document"), organizationId: z.string().optional().describe("The organization ID"), projectId: z.string().optional().describe("The project ID to link the document to"), }); export const UpdateDocumentParams = z.object({ documentId: z.string().describe("The ID of the document to update"), title: z.string().optional().describe("The new title of the document"), content: z.string().optional().describe("The new content in markdown format"), icon: z.string().optional().describe("The new icon of the document"), }); export const GetDocumentParams = z.object({ documentId: z.string().describe("The ID of the document to retrieve"), }); export const SearchDocumentsParams = z.object({ query: z.string().describe("Search query string"), projectId: z.string().optional().describe("Filter by project ID"), limit: z.number().max(10).describe("Number of results to return (default: 5)"), }); interface SimpleIssue { id: string; // The internal UUID of the issue (e.g., "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000") identifier: string; // The human-readable identifier (e.g., "XCE-205") title: string; status: string; statusId: string; priority: number; assignee?: string; dueDate?: string; labels?: string[]; } interface SimpleTeam { id: string; name: string; key: string; } interface SimpleUser { id: string; name: string; email: string; displayName?: string; avatarUrl?: string; } interface SimpleProject { id: string; name: string; state: string; startDate?: string; targetDate?: string; description?: string; teamIds: string[]; priority?: number; leadId?: string; memberIds?: string[]; color?: string; icon?: string; statusId?: string; } // Add new document interface interface SimpleDocument { id: string; title: string; content: string; icon?: string; url: string; createdAt: string; updatedAt: string; } // Add after other interfaces interface SimpleComment { id: string; body: string; user?: { id: string; name: string; }; createdAt: string; } function formatIssue(issue: any): SimpleIssue { return { id:, identifier: issue.identifier, title: issue.title, status: issue.state?.name || "Unknown", statusId: issue.state?.id, priority: issue.priority, assignee: issue.assignee?.name, dueDate: issue.dueDate, labels: issue.labels?.nodes?.map((l: any) => ({ name:, id: })) || [], }; } // Add after existing formatIssue function function formatProject(project: any): SimpleProject { return { id:, name:, state: project.state, startDate: project.startDate, targetDate: project.targetDate, description: project.description, teamIds: project.teams?.nodes?.map((t: any) => || [], priority: project.priority, leadId: project.lead?.id, memberIds: project.members?.nodes?.map((m: any) => || [], color: project.color, icon: project.icon, statusId: project.status?.id, }; } // Add new document formatting function function formatDocument(doc: any): SimpleDocument { return { id:, title: doc.title, content: doc.content, icon: doc.icon, url: doc.url, createdAt: doc.createdAt, updatedAt: doc.updatedAt, }; } // Add after other formatting functions function formatComment(comment: any): SimpleComment { return { id:, body: comment.body, user: comment.user ? { id:, name:, } : undefined, createdAt: comment.createdAt, }; } // API Functions async function createIssue( client: LinearClient, params: z.infer ) { try { return await client.createIssue(params); } catch (error) { return `Error: ${error}`; } } async function updateIssue( client: LinearClient, params: z.infer ) { try { const { issueId, ...updateData } = params; // Create a new object for the properly typed data const formattedData: any = { ...updateData }; // Convert date strings to proper format if provided if (formattedData.dueDate) { // Due date should be YYYY-MM-DD format formattedData.dueDate = formattedData.dueDate.split('T')[0]; } if (formattedData.snoozedUntilAt) { // Convert to Date object for the API formattedData.snoozedUntilAt = new Date(formattedData.snoozedUntilAt); } // Remove any undefined values to avoid API errors Object.keys(formattedData).forEach(key => { if (formattedData[key] === undefined) { delete formattedData[key]; } }); return await client.updateIssue(issueId, formattedData); } catch (error) { return `Error: ${error}`; } } async function getIssue( client: LinearClient, { issueId }: z.infer ) { try { return await client.issue(issueId); } catch (error) { return `Error: ${error}`; } } async function searchIssues( client: LinearClient, { query, teamId, limit }: z.infer ) { try { const searchParams: any = { first: limit }; if (teamId) { searchParams.filter = { team: { id: { eq: teamId } } }; } const issues = await client.issues({ ...searchParams, filter: { or: [ { title: { containsIgnoreCase: query } }, { description: { containsIgnoreCase: query } }, ], }, }); return; } catch (error) { return `Error: ${error}`; } } async function listTeams( client: LinearClient, { limit }: z.infer ) { try { const teams = await client.teams({ first: limit }); return (team): SimpleTeam => ({ id:, name:, key: team.key, }) ); } catch (error) { return `Error: ${error}`; } } async function advancedSearchIssues( client: LinearClient, params: z.infer ) { try { const filter: any = {}; // Text search filters if (params.query) { filter.or = [ { title: { containsIgnoreCase: params.query } }, { description: { containsIgnoreCase: params.query } }, ]; } if (params.title) filter.title = { containsIgnoreCase: params.title }; if (params.description) filter.description = { containsIgnoreCase: params.description }; // Basic filters if (params.teamId) = { id: { eq: params.teamId } }; if (params.assigneeId) filter.assignee = { id: { eq: params.assigneeId } }; if (params.creatorId) filter.creator = { id: { eq: params.creatorId } }; if (params.priority !== undefined) filter.priority = { eq: params.priority }; // Status and state if (params.stateId) { filter.state = { id: { eq: params.stateId } }; } // Date filters if (params.createdAfter) filter.createdAt = { gt: params.createdAfter }; if (params.createdBefore) filter.createdAt = { lt: params.createdBefore }; if (params.updatedAfter) filter.updatedAt = { gt: params.updatedAfter }; if (params.updatedBefore) filter.updatedAt = { lt: params.updatedBefore }; if (params.completedAfter) filter.completedAt = { gt: params.completedAfter }; if (params.completedBefore) filter.completedAt = { lt: params.completedBefore }; if (params.startedAfter) filter.startedAt = { gt: params.startedAfter }; if (params.startedBefore) filter.startedAt = { lt: params.startedBefore }; // Due date filters if (params.dueDate) filter.dueDate = { eq: params.dueDate }; if (params.dueDateAfter) filter.dueDate = { gt: params.dueDateAfter }; if (params.dueDateBefore) filter.dueDate = { lt: params.dueDateBefore }; // Relationship filters if (params.projectId) filter.project = { id: { eq: params.projectId } }; if (params.parentId) filter.parent = { id: { eq: params.parentId } }; if (params.subscriberId) filter.subscribers = { some: { id: { eq: params.subscriberId } } }; if (params.hasBlockedBy) filter.hasBlockedByRelations = { eq: true }; if (params.hasBlocking) filter.hasBlockingRelations = { eq: true }; if (params.hasDuplicates) filter.hasDuplicateRelations = { eq: true }; // Labels if (params.labelIds?.length) { filter.labels = { some: { id: { in: params.labelIds } } }; } // Other filters if (params.estimate !== undefined) filter.estimate = { eq: params.estimate }; if (params.number !== undefined) filter.number = { eq: params.number }; if (params.snoozedById) filter.snoozedBy = { id: { eq: params.snoozedById } }; if (params.snoozedUntilAfter) filter.snoozedUntilAt = { gt: params.snoozedUntilAfter }; if (params.snoozedUntilBefore) filter.snoozedUntilAt = { lt: params.snoozedUntilBefore }; const issues = await client.issues({ first: params.limit, filter, orderBy: params.orderBy || "updatedAt" as any, }); return; } catch (error) { return `Error: ${error}`; } } // Modify searchUsers function to allow more specific search parameters async function searchUsers( client: LinearClient, params: z.infer ) { try { let filter: any = {}; if ( { filter = { email: { eq: } }; } else if (params.displayName) { filter = { displayName: { containsIgnoreCase: params.displayName } }; } const users = await client.users({ filter, first: params.limit, }); return (user): SimpleUser => ({ id:, name:, email:, displayName: user.displayName, avatarUrl: user.avatarUrl, }) ); } catch (error) { return `Error: ${error}`; } } // Add new Project API Functions async function createProject( client: LinearClient, params: z.infer ) { try { return await client.createProject(params); } catch (error) { return `Error: ${error}`; } } async function updateProject( client: LinearClient, params: z.infer ) { try { const { projectId, ...updateData } = params; return await client.updateProject(projectId, updateData); } catch (error) { return `Error: ${error}`; } } async function getProject( client: LinearClient, { projectId }: z.infer ) { try { return await client.project(projectId); } catch (error) { return `Error: ${error}`; } } // Modify searchProjects function to handle empty queries async function searchProjects( client: LinearClient, params: z.infer ) { try { const filter: any = {}; // Text search filters if (params.query) { filter.or = [ { name: { containsIgnoreCase: params.query } }, { searchableContent: { contains: params.query } } ]; } if ( { = { containsIgnoreCase: }; } // Basic filters if (params.teamId) { filter.accessibleTeams = { some: { id: { eq: params.teamId } } }; } if (params.creatorId) { filter.creator = { id: { eq: params.creatorId } }; } if (params.leadId) { filter.lead = { id: { eq: params.leadId } }; } if (params.priority !== undefined) { filter.priority = { eq: params.priority }; } // Status and state filters if ( { = { eq: }; } if (params.state) { filter.state = { eq: params.state }; } if (params.status) { filter.status = { id: { eq: params.status } }; } // Date filters if (params.startDate) { filter.startDate = { eq: params.startDate }; } if (params.targetDate) { filter.targetDate = { eq: params.targetDate }; } if (params.createdAfter || params.createdBefore) { filter.createdAt = { ...(params.createdAfter && { gt: params.createdAfter }), ...(params.createdBefore && { lt: params.createdBefore }) }; } if (params.updatedAfter || params.updatedBefore) { filter.updatedAt = { ...(params.updatedAfter && { gt: params.updatedAfter }), ...(params.updatedBefore && { lt: params.updatedBefore }) }; } if (params.completedAfter || params.completedBefore) { filter.completedAt = { ...(params.completedAfter && { gt: params.completedAfter }), ...(params.completedBefore && { lt: params.completedBefore }) }; } if (params.canceledAfter || params.canceledBefore) { filter.canceledAt = { ...(params.canceledAfter && { gt: params.canceledAfter }), ...(params.canceledBefore && { lt: params.canceledBefore }) }; } // Relationship filters if (params.hasBlockedBy) { filter.hasBlockedByRelations = { eq: true }; } if (params.hasBlocking) { filter.hasBlockingRelations = { eq: true }; } if (params.hasRelated) { filter.hasRelatedRelations = { eq: true }; } if (params.hasViolatedDependencies) { filter.hasViolatedRelations = { eq: true }; } const projects = await client.projects({ first: params.limit, filter, orderBy: params.orderBy || "updatedAt" as any, }); return; } catch (error) { return `Error: ${error}`; } } // Add new listProjects function async function listProjects( client: LinearClient, { teamId, limit, state }: z.infer ) { try { const filter: any = {}; if (teamId) { = { id: { eq: teamId } }; } if (state) { filter.state = { eq: state }; } const projects = await client.projects({ first: limit, filter: Object.keys(filter).length > 0 ? filter : undefined, orderBy: "updatedAt" as any, }); return; } catch (error) { return `Error: ${error}`; } } // Add new comment API functions before the main manager function async function createComment( client: LinearClient, params: z.infer ) { try { const { issueId, body } = params; const comment = await client.createComment({ issueId, body, }); return formatComment(comment); } catch (error) { return `Error: ${error}`; } } async function listComments( client: LinearClient, params: z.infer ) { try { const { issueId, limit } = params; const issue = await client.issue(issueId); const comments = await issue.comments({ first: limit, orderBy: "createdAt" as any, }); return; } catch (error) { return `Error: ${error}`; } } // Add new document API functions before the main manager function async function createDocument( client: LinearClient, params: z.infer ) { try { const document = await client.createDocument(params); return formatDocument(document); } catch (error) { return `Error: ${error}`; } } async function updateDocument( client: LinearClient, params: z.infer ) { try { const { documentId, ...updateData } = params; const document = await client.updateDocument(documentId, updateData); return formatDocument(document); } catch (error) { return `Error: ${error}`; } } async function getDocument( client: LinearClient, { documentId }: z.infer ) { try { const document = await client.document(documentId); return formatDocument(document); } catch (error) { return `Error: ${error}`; } } async function searchDocuments( client: LinearClient, params: z.infer ) { try { const filter: any = { or: [ { title: { containsIgnoreCase: params.query } }, { content: { containsIgnoreCase: params.query } }, ], }; if (params.projectId) { filter.project = { id: { eq: params.projectId } }; } const documents = await client.documents({ first: params.limit, filter, orderBy: "updatedAt" as any, }); return; } catch (error) { return `Error: ${error}`; } } // Main manager function export const LinearManagerParams = z.object({ request: z .string() .describe("User's request regarding Linear project management"), }); export type LinearManagerParams = z.infer; export async function linearManager( { request }: LinearManagerParams, context_message: Message ) { const userConfig =; // console.log("User config", userConfig); const linearApiKey = userConfig?.identities.find( (i) => i.platform === "linear_key" )?.id; // console.log("Linear API Key", linearApiKey); const linearEmail = userConfig?.identities.find( (i) => i.platform === "linear_email" )?.id; if (!linearApiKey) { return { response: "Please configure your Linear API key to use this tool.", }; } const client = new LinearClient({ apiKey: linearApiKey }); const linear_tools: RunnableToolFunction[] = [ zodFunction({ function: (params) => createIssue(client, params), name: "linearCreateIssue", schema: IssueParams, description: "Create a new issue in Linear", }), zodFunction({ function: (params) => updateIssue(client, params), name: "linearUpdateIssue", schema: UpdateIssueParams, description: "Update an existing issue in Linear", }), zodFunction({ function: (params) => getIssue(client, params), name: "linearGetIssue", schema: GetIssueParams, description: "Get details of a specific issue", }), zodFunction({ function: (params) => searchUsers(client, params), name: "linearSearchUsers", schema: SearchUsersParams, description: "Search for users across the workspace by name, display name, or email. Use display name for better results.", }), zodFunction({ function: (params) => searchIssues(client, params), name: "linearSearchIssues", schema: SearchIssuesParams, description: "Search for issues in Linear using a query string. Optionally filter by team and limit results.", }), zodFunction({ function: (params) => listTeams(client, params), name: "linearListTeams", schema: ListTeamsParams, description: "List all teams in the workspace with optional limit", }), zodFunction({ function: (params) => advancedSearchIssues(client, params), name: "linearAdvancedSearchIssues", schema: AdvancedSearchIssuesParams, description: `Search for issues with advanced filters including: - Status (backlog, todo, in_progress, done, canceled) - Assignee - Priority - Date ranges for: * Updated time * Created time * Completed time Use ISO datetime format (e.g., "2024-01-18T00:00:00Z") for date filters. Can find issues updated, created, or completed within specific time periods.`, }), zodFunction({ function: (params) => createProject(client, params), name: "linearCreateProject", schema: ProjectParams, description: "Create a new project in Linear", }), zodFunction({ function: (params) => updateProject(client, params), name: "linearUpdateProject", schema: UpdateProjectParams, description: "Update an existing project in Linear", }), zodFunction({ function: (params) => getProject(client, params), name: "linearGetProject", schema: GetProjectParams, description: "Get details of a specific project", }), zodFunction({ function: (params) => searchProjects(client, params), name: "linearSearchProjects", schema: SearchProjectsParams, description: "Search for projects in Linear using a query string. Optionally filter by team and limit results.", }), zodFunction({ function: (params) => listProjects(client, params), name: "linearListProjects", schema: ListProjectsParams, description: "List projects in Linear, optionally filtered by team and state. Returns most recently updated projects first.", }), zodFunction({ function: (params) => createComment(client, params), name: "linearCreateComment", schema: CreateCommentParams, description: "Create a new comment on a Linear issue", }), zodFunction({ function: (params) => listComments(client, params), name: "linearListComments", schema: ListCommentsParams, description: "List comments on a Linear issue", }), zodFunction({ function: (params) => createDocument(client, params), name: "linearCreateDocument", schema: CreateDocumentParams, description: "Create a new document in Linear", }), zodFunction({ function: (params) => updateDocument(client, params), name: "linearUpdateDocument", schema: UpdateDocumentParams, description: "Update an existing document in Linear", }), zodFunction({ function: (params) => getDocument(client, params), name: "linearGetDocument", schema: GetDocumentParams, description: "Get details of a specific document", }), zodFunction({ function: (params) => searchDocuments(client, params), name: "linearSearchDocuments", schema: SearchDocumentsParams, description: "Search for documents in Linear using a query string", }), ]; const organization = await client.organization const workspace = organization?.name // fetch all labels available in each team const teams = await client.teams({ first: 10 }); const teamLabels = await client.issueLabels(); // list all the possible states of issues const states = await client.workflowStates(); const state_values = => ({ id:, name:, })); const organizationContext = `Organization: Name: ${workspace} Id: ${organization?.id} `; // Only include teams and labels in the context if they exist const teamsContext = teams.nodes.length > 0 ? `Teams:\n${ => ` - ${} id: ${}`).join("\n")}` : ""; const labelsContext = teamLabels.nodes.length > 0 ? `All Labels:\n${teamLabels.nodes .map((label) => ` - ${} (${label.color}) id: ${}`) .join("\n")}` : ""; const issueStateContext = state_values.length > 0 ? `All Issue States:\n${state_values .map((state) => ` - ${} id: ${}`) .join("\n")}` : ""; const workspaceContext = [organizationContext, teamsContext, labelsContext, issueStateContext] .filter(Boolean) .join("\n\n"); const userDetails = await client.users({ filter: { email: { eq: linearEmail } } }); const response = await ask({ model: "gpt-4o", prompt: `You are a Linear project manager. Your job is to understand the user's request and manage issues, teams, and projects using the available tools. Important note about Linear issue identification: - issueId: A UUID that uniquely identifies an issue internally (e.g., "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000") - identifier: A human-readable issue reference (e.g., "XCE-205", "ENG-123") When referring to issues in responses, always use the identifier format for better readability. ---- ${memory_manager_guide("linear_manager",} ---- ${workspaceContext ? `Here is some more context on current linear workspace:\n${workspaceContext}` : "" } The user you are currently assisting has the following details (No need to search if the user is asking for their own related issues/projects): - Name: ${userConfig?.name} - Linear Email: ${linearEmail} - Linear User ID: ${userDetails.nodes[0]?.id} When responding make sure to link the issues when returning the value. linear issue links look like: \`\` Where \`XCE-205\` is the identifier (not the issueId) and \`xcelerator\` is the team name. `, message: request, seed: `linear-${context_message.channelId}`, tools: linear_tools.concat( memory_manager_init(context_message, "linear_manager") ) as any, }); return { response }; } export const linear_manager_tool = (context_message: Message) => zodFunction({ function: (args) => linearManager(args, context_message), name: "linear_manager", schema: LinearManagerParams, description: `Linear Issue Manager. This tool allows you to create, update, close, or assign issues in Linear. Provide detailed information to perform the requested action. Use this when user explicitly asks for Linear/project management.`, });