2024-10-06 13:56:33 +05:30
import {
RunnableToolFunction ,
RunnableToolFunctionWithParse ,
} from "openai/lib/RunnableFunction.mjs" ;
import { JSONSchema } from "openai/lib/jsonschema.mjs" ;
import { z , ZodSchema } from "zod" ;
import zodToJsonSchema from "zod-to-json-schema" ;
import { evaluate } from "mathjs" ;
import {
YoutubeDownloaderParams ,
YoutubeTranscriptParams ,
get_download_link ,
get_youtube_video_data ,
} from "./youtube" ;
import {
SendGeneralMessageParams ,
SendMessageParams ,
send_general_message ,
send_message_to ,
} from "./messenger" ;
import {
ChartParams ,
PythonCodeParams ,
RunPythonCommandParams ,
chart ,
code_interpreter ,
run_command_in_code_interpreter_env ,
} from "./python-interpreter" ;
import { meme_maker , MemeMakerParams } from "./meme-maker" ;
import { getPeriodTools } from "./period" ;
import { linkManager , LinkManagerParams } from "./linkwarden" ;
import { search_chat , SearchChatParams } from "./chat-search" ;
import { getTotalCompletionTokensForModel } from "../usage" ;
import {
scrape_and_convert_to_markdown ,
ScrapeAndConvertToMarkdownParams ,
} from "./scrape" ;
import { calendarManager , CalendarManagerParams } from "./calender" ;
import { remindersManager , RemindersManagerParams } from "./reminders" ;
import { notesManager , NotesManagerParams , webdav_tools } from "./notes" ;
import { service_checker , ServiceCheckerParams } from "./status" ;
import {
upload_file ,
UploadFileParams ,
get_file_list ,
GetFileListParams ,
} from "./files" ;
// Removed import of createContextMessage since it's not used here
import { Message } from "../interfaces/message" ;
import { rolePermissions , userConfigs } from "../config" ; // <-- Added import
import { search_user , SearchUserParams } from "./search-user" ;
import { ResendParams , send_email } from "./resend" ;
import { homeManager , HomeManagerParams } from "./home" ;
import { event_manager , EventManagerSchema } from "./events" ;
import { actionManager , ActionManagerParamsSchema } from "./actions" ;
import { search_whatsapp_contacts , SearchContactsParams } from "./whatsapp" ;
import { memory_manager_init } from "./memory-manager" ;
import { communication_manager_tool } from "./communication" ;
import { send_sys_log } from "../interfaces/log" ;
2024-10-31 12:42:08 +05:30
import { init_anya_todos_watcher , init_notes_watcher } from "./notes-executer" ;
import { initVectorStoreSync } from "./notes-vectors" ;
2024-11-02 12:48:38 +05:30
import {
dockerToolManager ,
DockerToolManagerSchema ,
} from "./software-engineer" ;
2025-01-09 16:27:26 +05:30
import { linear_manager_tool } from "./linear-manager" ;
2024-10-06 13:56:33 +05:30
// get time function
const GetTimeParams = z . object ( { } ) ;
type GetTimeParams = z . infer < typeof GetTimeParams > ;
async function get_date_time ( { } : GetTimeParams ) {
return { response : new Date ( ) . toLocaleString ( ) } ;
// calculator function
const CalculatorParams = z . object ( {
expression : z.string ( ) . describe ( "mathjs expression" ) ,
} ) ;
type CalculatorParams = z . infer < typeof CalculatorParams > ;
async function calculator ( { expression } : CalculatorParams ) {
return { response : evaluate ( expression ) } ;
// run bash command function and return all output success/errors both
const RunBashCommandParams = z . object ( {
command : z.string ( ) ,
} ) ;
type RunBashCommandParams = z . infer < typeof RunBashCommandParams > ;
async function run_bash_command ( { command } : RunBashCommandParams ) {
console . log ( "running command: " + command ) ;
const { exec } = await import ( "child_process" ) ;
return ( await new Promise ( ( resolve ) = > {
exec ( command , ( error , stdout , stderr ) = > {
console . log ( "stdout: " + stdout ) ;
console . log ( "stderr: " + stderr ) ;
if ( error !== null ) {
console . log ( "exec error: " + error ) ;
resolve ( { stdout , stderr , error } ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ) as { stdout : string ; stderr : string ; error : any } ;
// exit process
const ExitProcessParams = z . object ( { } ) ;
type ExitProcessParams = z . infer < typeof ExitProcessParams > ;
async function restart_self ( { } : ExitProcessParams , context_message : Message ) {
await Promise . all ( [
send_sys_log ( "Restarting myself" ) ,
context_message . send ( {
content : "Restarting myself" ,
} ) ,
context_message . send ( {
content : "---setting this point as the start---" ,
} ) ,
] ) ;
return { response : process.exit ( 0 ) } ;
function delay ( ms : number ) {
return new Promise ( ( resolve ) = > setTimeout ( resolve , ms ) ) ;
// get total tokens used by a model
const GetTotalTokensParams = z . object ( {
model : z.string ( ) ,
from : z . string ( ) ,
to : z.string ( ) ,
} ) ;
type GetTotalTokensParams = z . infer < typeof GetTotalTokensParams > ;
async function get_total_tokens ( { model , from , to } : GetTotalTokensParams ) {
return {
response : getTotalCompletionTokensForModel ( model , from , to ) ,
} ;
2024-10-31 12:42:08 +05:30
init_notes_watcher ( ) ;
init_anya_todos_watcher ( ) ;
initVectorStoreSync ( ) ;
2024-10-06 13:56:33 +05:30
export function getTools (
username : string ,
context_message : Message ,
manager_id? : string
) {
const userRoles = context_message . getUserRoles ( ) ;
// Aggregate permissions from all roles
const userPermissions = new Set < string > ( ) ;
userRoles . forEach ( ( role ) = > {
const permissions = rolePermissions [ role ] ;
if ( permissions ) {
permissions . forEach ( ( perm ) = > userPermissions . add ( perm ) ) ;
} ) ;
// Helper function to check if the user has access to a tool
function hasAccess ( toolName : string ) : boolean {
if ( toolName === "periodTools" ) {
return userPermissions . has ( "periodUser" ) ;
return userPermissions . has ( "*" ) || userPermissions . has ( toolName ) ;
// Define all tools with their names
const allTools : {
name : string ;
tool : RunnableToolFunction < any > | RunnableToolFunction < any > [ ] ;
} [ ] = [
name : "calculator" ,
tool : zodFunction ( {
function : calculator ,
schema : CalculatorParams ,
description : "Evaluate math expression" ,
} ) ,
} ,
name : "getTime" ,
tool : zodFunction ( {
function : get_date_time ,
schema : GetTimeParams ,
description : "Get current date and time" ,
} ) ,
} ,
name : "search_user_ids" ,
tool : zodFunction ( {
function : ( args ) = > search_user ( args , context_message ) ,
name : "search_user_ids" ,
schema : SearchUserParams ,
description : ` Search and get user's details. Use this only when required. ` ,
} ) ,
} ,
// Computer nerd tools
// {
// name: "search_whatsapp_contacts",
// tool: zodFunction({
// function: search_whatsapp_contacts,
// schema: SearchContactsParams,
// description: `Search for contacts in user's whatsapp account. Use this to get whatsapp user_id of any user.
// Note: Confirm from the user before sending any messages to the contacts found using this search.
// `,
// }),
// },
/ * {
name : "scrapeWeb" ,
tool : zodFunction ( {
function : scrape_and_convert_to_markdown ,
schema : ScrapeAndConvertToMarkdownParams ,
name : "scrape_web" ,
description : ` Get data from a webpage. ` ,
} ) ,
} ,
name : "uploadFile" ,
tool : zodFunction ( {
function : upload_file ,
schema : UploadFileParams ,
description : ` Upload a LOCAL file to a MinIO bucket and return its public URL.
Note :
- The filePath should be a local file path in the / tmp directory .
- If you want to re - upload a file from the internet , you can download it using run_shell_command to a / tmp directory and then upload it .
Use cases :
- You can use this to share files from inside the code interpreter using the / tmp file path .
- You can use this to share files that only you have access to , like temporary files or discord files .
- You can use this when the user explicitly asks for a file to be shared with them or wants to download a file . ` ,
} ) ,
} ,
name : "getFileList" ,
tool : zodFunction ( {
function : get_file_list ,
schema : GetFileListParams ,
description : ` Get the list of public URLs for all files in the MinIO bucket ` ,
} ) ,
} ,
name : "getYouTubeVideoData" ,
tool : zodFunction ( {
function : get_youtube_video_data ,
schema : YoutubeTranscriptParams as any ,
description :
"Get YouTube video data. Use this only when sent a YouTube URL. Do not use this for YouTube search." ,
} ) ,
} ,
name : "getDownloadLink" ,
tool : zodFunction ( {
function : get_download_link as any ,
schema : YoutubeDownloaderParams ,
description : ` Get download link for YouTube links.
Also , always hide the length of links that are too long by formatting them with markdown .
For any site other than YouTube , use code interpreter to scrape the download link .
If the user wants the file and not just the link :
You can use the direct link you get from this to download the media inside code interpreter and then share the downloaded files using the send message tool .
Make sure that the file size is within discord limits . ` ,
} ) ,
} ,
name : "codeInterpreter" ,
tool : zodFunction ( {
function : ( args ) = > code_interpreter ( args , context_message ) ,
name : "code_interpreter" ,
schema : PythonCodeParams ,
description : ` Primary Function: Run Python code in an isolated environment.
Key Libraries : pandas for data analysis , matplotlib for visualization .
Use Cases : Data analysis , plotting , image / video processing using ffmpeg for video , complex calculations , and attachment analysis .
You can also use this to try to scrape and get download links from non - YouTube sites .
File sharing :
To share a file with a user from inside code interpreter , you can save the file to the / tmp / directory and then use the send message tool to send the file to the user by using the full path of the file , including the / tmp part in the path .
Notes :
Import necessary libraries ; retry if issues arise .
For web scraping , process data to stay within a 10 , 000 token limit .
Use run_shell_command to check or install dependencies .
Try to fix any errors that are returned at least once before sending to the user , especially syntax / type errors . ` ,
} ) ,
} ,
name : "runShellCommand" ,
tool : zodFunction ( {
function : ( args ) = >
run_command_in_code_interpreter_env ( args , context_message ) ,
name : "run_shell_command" ,
schema : RunPythonCommandParams ,
description : ` Run bash command. Use this to install any needed dependencies. ` ,
} ) ,
} , * /
// {
// name: "generateChart",
// tool: zodFunction({
// function: chart,
// name: "generate_chart",
// schema: ChartParams,
// description: `Generate chart PNG image URL using quickchart.io`,
// }),
// },
// {
// name: "memeOrCatMaker",
// tool: zodFunction({
// function: meme_maker,
// name: "meme_or_cat_maker",
// schema: MemeMakerParams,
// description: `Generate meme image URL using memegen.link OR generate cat image URL using cataas.com
// Just provide the info in the query, and it will generate the URL for you.
// This can include any memegen.link or cataas.com specific parameters.
// Make sure to give as many details as you can about what the user wants.
// Also, make sure to send the images and memes as files to the user using the send message tool unless explicitly asked to send the URL.`,
// }),
// },
// {
// name: "sendMessageToChannel",
// tool: zodFunction({
// function: (args) => send_general_message(args, context_message),
// name: "send_message_to_channel",
// schema: SendGeneralMessageParams,
// description: `Send message to the current Discord channel.
// You can also use this for reminders or other scheduled messages by calculating the delay from the current time.
// If the user does not specify a time for a reminder, think of one based on the task.
// If no channel ID is provided, the message will be sent to the user you are currently chatting with.`,
// }),
// },
// {
// name: "searchChat",
// tool: zodFunction({
// function: (args) => search_chat(args, context_message),
// name: "search_chat",
// schema: SearchChatParams,
// description: `Search for messages in the current channel based on query parameters.
// This will search the last 100 (configurable by setting the limit parameter) messages in the channel.
// Set user_only parameter to true if you want to search only the user's messages.`,
// }),
// },
name : "serviceChecker" ,
tool : zodFunction ( {
function : service_checker ,
name : "service_checker" ,
schema : ServiceCheckerParams ,
description : ` Check the status of a service by querying the status page of the service. Use this when the user asks if something is up or down in the context of a service. ` ,
} ) ,
} ,
// {
// name: "getTotalTokens",
// tool: zodFunction({
// function: get_total_tokens,
// name: "get_total_tokens",
// schema: GetTotalTokensParams,
// description: `Get total tokens used by a model in a date range
// The pricing as of 2024 is:
// gpt-4o:
// $5.00 / 1M prompt tokens
// $15.00 / 1M completion tokens
// gpt-4o-mini:
// $0.150 / 1M prompt tokens
// $0.600 / 1M completion tokens
// Use calculator to make the math calculations.`,
// }),
// },
name : "communicationsManagerTool" ,
tool : communication_manager_tool ( context_message ) ,
} ,
name : "calendarManagerTool" ,
tool : zodFunction ( {
function : ( args ) = > calendarManager ( args , context_message ) ,
name : "calendar_manager" ,
schema : CalendarManagerParams ,
description : ` Manage calendar events using user's Calendar.
You can just forward the user ' s request to this tool and it will handle the rest . ` ,
} ) ,
} ,
name : "remindersManagerTools" ,
tool : zodFunction ( {
function : ( args ) = > remindersManager ( args , context_message ) ,
name : "reminders_manager" ,
schema : RemindersManagerParams ,
description : ` Manage reminders using user's reminders.
2024-10-31 12:42:08 +05:30
You can just forward the user ' s request to this tool and it will handle the rest .
More detailed todos that dont need user notification will be managed by the notes manager tool instead .
` ,
2024-10-06 13:56:33 +05:30
} ) ,
} ,
name : "homeAssistantManagerTool" ,
tool : zodFunction ( {
function : ( args ) = > homeManager ( args , context_message ) ,
name : "home_assistant_manager" ,
schema : HomeManagerParams ,
description : ` Manage home assistant devices and services in natural language.
Give as much details as possible to get the best results .
Especially what devices that the user named and what action they want to perform on them .
` ,
} ) ,
} ,
name : "notesManagerTool" ,
tool : zodFunction ( {
function : ( args ) = > notesManager ( args , context_message ) ,
name : "notes_manager" ,
schema : NotesManagerParams ,
description : ` Manage notes using user's notes.
You can just forward the user ' s request verbatim ( or by adding more clarity ) to this tool and it will handle the rest .
When to use :
if user talks about any notes , lists , journal , gym entry , standup , personal journal , etc .
2024-10-31 12:42:08 +05:30
You can also use this for advanced todos that are more planning related . ( these are not reminders , and will not notify the user )
2024-10-06 13:56:33 +05:30
` ,
} ) ,
} ,
name : "linkManagerTool" ,
tool : zodFunction ( {
function : ( args ) = > linkManager ( args , context_message ) ,
name : "link_manager" ,
schema : LinkManagerParams ,
description : ` Manage links using LinkWarden.
You can just forward the user ' s request to this tool and it will handle the rest .
` ,
} ) ,
} ,
2025-01-09 16:27:26 +05:30
name : "ProjectManager" ,
tool : linear_manager_tool ( context_message ) ,
} ,
2024-10-06 13:56:33 +05:30
name : "actionsManagerTool" ,
tool : zodFunction ( {
function : ( args ) = > actionManager ( args , context_message ) ,
name : "actions_manager" ,
schema : ActionManagerParamsSchema ,
description : ` Manage scheduled actions using the Actions Manager.
Forward user requests to create , update , retrieve , or remove actions .
You can use this for when a user wants you to do something at a specific time or after a specific time . ` ,
} ) ,
} ,
name : "eventsManagerTool" ,
tool : zodFunction ( {
function : ( args ) = > event_manager ( args , context_message ) ,
name : "events_manager" ,
schema : EventManagerSchema ,
description : ` Manage events using the Events Manager.
Forward user requests to create , update , retrieve , or remove events .
When to use :
if user wants to create some automation based on some event . ` ,
} ) ,
} ,
2024-11-02 12:48:38 +05:30
name : "softwareEngineerManagerTool" ,
tool : zodFunction ( {
function : ( args ) = > dockerToolManager ( args , context_message ) ,
name : "software_engineer_manager" ,
schema : DockerToolManagerSchema ,
description : ` Software Engineer Manager Tool.
His name is Cody . He is a software engineer , and someone who loves technology .
He specializes in linux and devops .
This tool can do anything related to what a tech person would do .
They can scape website to search something , summerize youtube videos by just link , download full videos and more .
This manager is like a whole other user that you are talking to .
When talking to this manager , you can inform the user that you asked cody for this query etc .
` ,
} ) ,
} ,
2024-10-06 13:56:33 +05:30
name : "restart" ,
tool : zodFunction ( {
function : ( args ) = > restart_self ( args , context_message ) ,
name : "restart_self" ,
schema : ExitProcessParams ,
description :
"Restart yourself. do this only when the user explicitly asks you to restart yourself." ,
} ) ,
} ,
// {
// name: "eventTools",
// tool: event_tools(context_message),
// },
// Period tools
name : "periodTools" ,
tool : getPeriodTools ( context_message ) ,
} ,
] ;
const manager_tools = manager_id
? [ memory_manager_init ( context_message , manager_id ) ]
: [ ] ;
// Filter tools based on user permissions
const tools = allTools
. filter ( ( { name } ) = > hasAccess ( name ) )
. flatMap ( ( { tool } ) = > ( Array . isArray ( tool ) ? tool : [ tool ] ) )
. concat ( manager_tools ) ;
return tools ;
export function zodFunction < T extends object > ( {
function : fn ,
schema ,
description = "" ,
name ,
} : {
function : ( args : T ) = > Promise < object > | object ;
schema : ZodSchema < T > ;
description? : string ;
name? : string ;
} ) : RunnableToolFunctionWithParse < T > {
return {
type : "function" ,
function : {
function : fn ,
name : name ? ? fn . name ,
description : description ,
parameters : zodToJsonSchema ( schema ) as JSONSchema ,
parse ( input : string ) : T {
const obj = JSON . parse ( input ) ;
return schema . parse ( obj ) ;
} ,
} ,
} ;